
Showing posts from December, 2023
How to Read Your Horse’s Body Language by  Pam  |  Horse Care and Ownership Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew what your horse was thinking? Well, you don’t have to be psychic to know what is going on in their minds. All you need to know is how to read their body language. The body language of a horse is unique to horses. As a highly social animal, horses communicate their emotions and intentions to their herd members through both vocalization and body language.  As a person handling horses, it’s our job to understand and read what our horses are trying to say to us. Vocal Communication Horses communicate in a variety of ways that include both vocal and non-vocal (body language) communication. Vocal communication includes: Nickers  are a low-pitched, quiet sound. My horse makes this sound to greet me when I arrive at the barn. Stallions will nicker when courting a mare and you will hear a mare and foal nicker to each other. Neighs or whinnies  are the most familiar sound and are high pitc